This Template Arrives Fashionably Late

While having a part time job has been fun, it has been a bit more part time than I would have wanted. I suppose that gives me more time to do the kinds of projects that *I* want to do, if not for the running back and forth to doctors office and various degrees of administration run-around.

At least now, I have something to show for my Drupal ponderings and discoveries. This project was fun and let me look into functionality as well as design, allowing me to add more versatility to my overall web design portfolio. It may look like the design kind of lacks pizzaz but a simple modification of the Nista theme was what David wished for.

Submissions begin towards the middle of this year, so dont hesitate to submit one of your best stories, prose, or poetry. You know you want to. :)Here is the finished product for my first overall Drupal learning project: